9game provided:In Club Penguin,the interesting RPG game,the Iceberg is the secret room that can only be accessed from the Map or the Spy Phone. Even though the room is secret, many penguins frequent the spot, and it's a pretty well known area - most don't really consider it "secret."
Here is an intruction for you to find the secret room.
Before you try to tip the Iceberg, keep in mind that the Iceberg has never actually been tipped by anyway. A few videos were published on YouTube and various other websites where it appears that some penguins had, in fact, tipped over the Iceberg; in actuality, the videos are doctored and the penguins never tipped anything. Some believe that by following the methods below, someone will eventually be able to tip the Iceberg, so give it a shot and see if you become the first!
One rumor says that when every single penguin has a certain number of coins, the Iceberg will tip over. Some penguins say you need 100 coins, some penguins say you need 1,000,000 coins. It will probably be a long time before every penguin on Club Penguin has 1,000,000 coins, so it may be awhile before you can test out this theory on how to tip the Iceberg on Club Penguin.
Another rumor says that if you can round up 100 penguins and get them to stand on one side of it, the Iceberg will tip. Others say that you don't just need 100 penguins, all 100 of them have to start dancing or drilling. Try and get 99 of your penguin friends to meet you at there and see if you can tip the Iceberg.
Some penguins think the Iceberg will tip one day when the Chosen Penguin arrives. No one knows who the Chosen Penguin will be, or when he will come. We will just have to wait for the day and see if there even really is a Chosen Penguin, and if he or she will be the one to tip the Iceberg on Club Penguin!