9Game: This article is about WWE 2K for Android. Here are some cheat codes for you to learn more about this action game.

A lot of superstars are capable of climbing the turnbuckles to launch into a "high risk maneuver," like "Macho Man" Randy Savage's flying elbow. With this risk comes reward, as you can really knock an enemy for a loop, whether they're lying down or approaching you. You can even take a nose-dive to someone if they're standing outside the ring – which totally revs up the crowd.
With this move comes risk. If you miss your opponent, either by getting up or rolling out of the way, you lose some of your momentum, and they can easily counter with some form of attack. Also, if you're not quick enough, they're able to hit you on the turnbuckle, and maybe even go as far as to climb up and deliver a devastating superplex.
When it comes to these high-risk moves, make sure your opponent is in range and not posing an immediate threat. If you think you can execute a flying drop kick, do it. Otherwise, stay on the low level until you've worn them down enough that you can climb up and hit your move.
To read more information about WWE 2K or other action games, you can click HERE.
App Recommend: 9Apps: Game,Video Downloader
A lot of superstars are capable of climbing the turnbuckles to launch into a "high risk maneuver," like "Macho Man" Randy Savage's flying elbow. With this risk comes reward, as you can really knock an enemy for a loop, whether they're lying down or approaching you. You can even take a nose-dive to someone if they're standing outside the ring – which totally revs up the crowd.
With this move comes risk. If you miss your opponent, either by getting up or rolling out of the way, you lose some of your momentum, and they can easily counter with some form of attack. Also, if you're not quick enough, they're able to hit you on the turnbuckle, and maybe even go as far as to climb up and deliver a devastating superplex.
When it comes to these high-risk moves, make sure your opponent is in range and not posing an immediate threat. If you think you can execute a flying drop kick, do it. Otherwise, stay on the low level until you've worn them down enough that you can climb up and hit your move.
To read more information about WWE 2K or other action games, you can click HERE.
App Recommend: 9Apps: Game,Video Downloader