SOMA Messenger, the world's fastest and free HD video, voice and messaging service, launched to bring users a wide range of communications features and capabilities unlike any other app on the market. Built using proprietary distributed technology with a network of servers located all around the world, SOMA Messenger's highly encrypted service offers unlimited free, high quality voice calls, HD video calls with no buffering and is the only messaging app to allow group chats of up to 500 people.
SOMA Messenger offer:
- Proprietary distributed technology with servers all around the world to provide the fastest speeds and stability
- The largest group chat capability with messaging up to 500 people
- HD video calls with no buffering
- High quality voice calls from anywhere in the world
- Highly encrypted communications services for maximum privacy and security
- Ad-free and unlimited free service forever; never any additional charges for International calls or messages
In addition to making voice and video calls more stable and delivering higher quality service, SOMA Messenger's distributed infrastructure allows for voice and video calls to be accessed in almost every country in the world, which other messengers that work on centralized infrastructures cannot offer.
With a network of servers placed around the world, the SOMA Messenger experience provides the best speed, user experience and is guaranteed to be the most reliable communications service currently on the 9apps.